Pagan Standard Time and Hermit Hippies

Pagan Standard Time.

One of the banes of the magical community, and something that causes our public appearance to go way down.

I have such an issue with this idea, honestly.  If you don’t know what Pagan Standard Time (PST) is, it’s a social construct that the pagan community has created to allow for tardiness.  To everything.  In whatever situation it fits their fancy.  And it’s so irresponsible and ridiculous that I want to cry that the idea was ever proposed.

Where did this concept even come from?  Honestly, why would this even be created.  (If you were the first to use this term, come find me.  Talk to me.)

My first issue with PST is the use of the word ‘standard.’  This idea is fundamentally un-standard.  There is no designated amount of time that creates this ‘time zone.’  When there is no universally recognized allotment of time, it cannot be standard.

The second issue is one of the big questions; when does it stop?!  Where does it stop?!  Please tell me.  Is it okay to be late to Is it okay to be ten minutes late to work, for no reason, because you’re working in this ‘time zone?’  Is it okay to be an hour late to friends house?  It gets worse when you expect others to accept your personal schedule as well.

I guess my entire point is, being late is rude.  But it gets entirely ridiculous when you’re blaming your religion or spirituality for that.  Blaming something that other people are a part of gives them the same name as you.  It gives the rest of us a bad reputation and a bad name, and reinforces the idea that ‘Pagan’ is synonymous with ‘sex-crazed poor anti-establishment homeless hippie;’ letting that image be perpetuated into society is detrimental for our public perception.  We shout about how we want to be accepted in society, how we want witchcraft and paganism to be recognized as a serious path?  That requires some societal conformity, whether or not we like it.

Changing this is a step.  A step towards being part of society.  Unless you live alone in a cabin in Alaska, running on solar power, making all your own clothes and soap and other necessities, gathering your own food, completely off the grid (in which case you wouldn’t reading this, as you would’t have an internet connection), you have to commit to being around people and involved in society at least in some parts.  Being on time is one of those parts.

Find me at @evathephoenix on and at, or email me at

Please feel free to comment below.  Let me know if you disagree with my comments on Pagan Standard Time, if you agree, your experiences with this trend, and anything else.

Thanks for reading!


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